If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you may return the item in its original, factory-sealed unopened packaging, including the packing slip, within 30 days of order shipment date (as specified in the packing slip) for a full refund, less shipping costs. Please return to:
Alpha Paws
Returns Department
396 Rushbrook Dr.
Newmarket, ON L3X 2B8
When and how is your refund processed?
Your refund will be processed approximately 7 to 10 business days from the date of receipt of your returned item at the return center. The refund will be credited to the credit card that was used to purchase the item. You will receive an email advising you that your refund has been processed and what amount has been credited back to your credit card, provided you have provided us with your email address.
If you have a question about returns, please call 1-877-868-PAWS for help during regular business hours, Monday – Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.