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6 Games to Crate Train Your Puppy

6 Games to Crate Train Your Puppycrate training a puppy

Crates are an invaluable tool in puppy training, serving as a safe haven and teaching important lessons in self-control and safety. Effective crate training can turn a simple crate into a comfortable, secure space for your puppy, beneficial in multi-dog households and essential for preventing destructive behaviours when unsupervised.

Before You Start

The journey to successful crate training begins with creating a welcoming environment inside the crate. Choose an appropriately sized crate and make it inviting with a comfortable bed and favourite toys. It’s important that your puppy perceives the crate as a positive and safe space, not a place of isolation.

Basic Guidelines for Crate Training Games

Crate training should be a positive experience. Always approach training with patience and use treats and praise as positive reinforcement. Observe your puppy’s response and adjust your approach accordingly. If your puppy shows signs of stress, slow down the process.

6 Games to Crate Train Your Dog:

  • The Magical Crate of Treats and Toys: This game involves creating a positive association with the crate by placing treats and toys inside. Start by leaving the crate door open and placing a few favourite toys and treats inside. Encourage your puppy to explore and find these surprises. You can gradually increase the challenge by placing treats further inside the crate, encouraging your puppy to step in further to retrieve them.
  • The Cookie Toss Game: This game is excellent for making the crate feel like a fun place. Toss a treat into the crate and let your puppy chase after it. Start with tossing treats close to the entrance and gradually toss them further back. This encourages your puppy to enter the crate without hesitation. Make sure to praise your puppy each time they retrieve a treat.
  • Closing the Door: This game is about getting your puppy used to the crate door being closed. Start by closing the door for a few seconds while feeding treats through the crate’s bars, then reopen it. Gradually increase the time the door is closed, always ensuring your puppy is comfortable and not showing signs of stress.
  • Meal Time in the Den: Feeding your puppy their meals in the crate helps them associate it with positive experiences. Place their food bowl inside the crate, initially close to the entrance, and over time, move it further back. This not only makes the crate a happy place but also helps with house training.
  • No Bolting, Please!: Teach your puppy to wait in the crate with the door open. Ask your puppy to sit or lie down in the crate, then give a release command like “okay” or “free” to let them know they can exit. This teaches patience and self-control.
  • This is Your Safe, Relaxing Place: Use the crate as a quiet, calm space for your puppy. Encourage them to relax in the crate by placing a comfortable bed and offering a chew toy. You can also spend quiet time near the crate, reinforcing it as a peaceful spot.

Addressing Challenges

Crate training can present various challenges, and it’s important to address these with patience and understanding. If your puppy seems hesitant or anxious about the crate, it’s crucial to slow down and revisit earlier, more comfortable stages of training. Ensure the crate environment is stress-free, inviting, and not associated with punishment.

If your puppy whines or barks when left in the crate, first ensure their basic needs are met (they aren’t hungry, thirsty, or need to go outside). Gradually accustom them to spending time in the crate while you’re nearby, and then start leaving them for short periods. Avoid letting them out while they’re making noise, as this could reinforce the behaviour. Instead, wait until they are quiet for a few moments before opening the crate.

Consistency is key. If one approach doesn’t seem to work, try modifying it or using a different game. Remember, each puppy is unique and may respond differently to various methods. Addressing these challenges with empathy and consistency will help your puppy become comfortable with the crate, viewing it as a safe and secure place.

Crate Train Your Puppy with Expert Guidance

Crate training, enriched through these games, is an excellent way to provide your puppy with a sense of safety and independence. It’s a rewarding process that fosters a positive relationship with their crate. For more personalized guidance, Alpha Paws’ Puppy Pre-School program offers expert crate training advice. Their professional trainers can help tailor a training program to suit your puppy’s individual needs, ensuring a successful crate training experience. Discover more about their services here.

Call us at 905-830-9500  or 1-877-868-7297 (toll-free) or fill out our online form to enrol your pet or get more information. Our training methods have made many dog owners happy.

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