A Treadmill Under The Tree This year!
Are you still looking for that perfect gift for that special someone this year? Well look no further…the best gift you could give your pooch this year is a treadmill.
Exercise is so important to the well-being of your dog and it can impact every aspect of their lives. The first and best thing for this is to walk your dog outside. Nothing beats fresh air and the outdoors. However, a treadmill is a great solution when you’re just not able to take your dog for a walk. You don’t have to neglect your dog’s needs anymore. So, for those times when you’re too busy or the weather is just too bad outside, a treadmill is the answer!
If your dog has never been on a treadmill before, here are some important tips:
- Attach a leash and flat collar to the dog. (Make sure the collar cannot slip off the dog’s neck)
- Have the treadmill plugged in and ready but not running as you approach with your dog
- As you approach the treadmill with your dog, assess the dog’s reaction. You are looking for any signs of fear (i.e.: ears flat back, tail tucked under its behind, body in a lower or hunched position)
- Most dogs can be encouraged to step onto the treadmill with the right body language (crouch down and pat your leg, tap the treadmill where you want the dog to go) and by using a high-pitched voice and saying the dog’s name and making “kissy” sounds. Using treats and/or a toy as encouragement also works well.
- Once on the treadmill, secure the leash to the front of the machine or hold it out in front yourself. The purpose of securing the leash is to ensure that the dog does not fall off the back of the treadmill. Also, never leave your dog alone on the treadmill!
- Setting/programming the treadmill – every dog is different. The general rule is to start the dog slowly and work your way up to a comfortable pace. The maximum speed of the treadmill should not exceed 3.5.
- The length of time for each ‘walk’ can be as short as 2 to 5 minutes in the beginning and gradually increased depending on the dog’s endurance level. A 20-minute ‘walk’ on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0 for a medium-sized to large-sized dog is a good workout.
Remember – getting regular exercise is critical for your dog and can make all the difference in their lives!
A tired dog is a happy dog (smiley face)
For more information, call the experts at Alpha Paws today at (905) 830-9500 or 1-647-694-4584 if you have any questions!