Expert Dog Trainers Share Tips to Train Blind Dogs
Whether you have a puppy that was born blind or trauma has caused a sight impairment or blindness to your dog, you can still help them live a full life. Training a blind dog does not require too much extra knowledge. You just need to modify the regular training techniques to help your pet understand them.
The expert dog trainers at Alpha Paws have put together this guide to help you get started easily.
Tips By Dog Trainers for Training Blind Dogs
Be Patient and Gentle
Dogs who are blind by birth easily adapt to their lack of sight. However, pets who lose sight later in life can take a little longer to learn things. So, you need to be patient and go at your pet’s pace while training them. Avoid pushing them to learn too many things at the same time. This will make them feel vulnerable and nervous. Be gentle and help them build confidence, and you will see them learning new cues in no time.
Use Food
This method is popular as dogs have a strong sense of smell. You must use tasty food they can smell easily, such as cheese. Hold the cheese in front of their nose and let them have a good sniff. Then, slowly raise it over their head and move it behind until they sit. Give them their treat as soon as they do. You can use this technique to teach them different commands.
Use Scents and Textures
With the help of your dog’s smelling sense, you can help them move around the house easily. The kitchen is one place your pet can easily find due to the smell of different foods. For other areas, such as their bed, you can pour a few drops of scented oil to help your pup identify the particular place. This way, they can easily navigate from one room to another. However, ensure you use only dog-friendly scents, as some oils are toxic to them. Likewise, dog trainers also suggest using mats of different textures at the doorway of each room.
Pick One-Word Verbal Cues
When you plan to select verbal cues, keep them simple and short. Try to use one word instead of a phrase. Use the word “bed” instead of saying, “go to your bed.” This will be much easier for your blind dog to understand your commands.
Train Them with Step Command
This command is vital for your dog to prevent them from stumbling. Now, when you go outdoors with your pet, stop just before a step, and say the word “step.” Then, slowly move your pet’s leg so they can feel the step in front of them. As soon as your dog steps up or down, give them a treat. As you keep practicing, your dog will step up or down each time they hear the word “step.”
Special Cues to Train Blind Dogs
This cue can help your dog know if something is in front or if they are entering a new environment. Keep your pet on a leash and move toward a piece of furniture. Say “careful,” stop them gently and reward them immediately. Then pat the object in the front so your pup goes forward to investigate. Repeat the process until your dog understands the cue.
Go See
This can help your pet understand that someone or something in front of them is safe to check out. Keep a small box with a treat in front of your dog and say, “go see,” and encourage them to explore the box. Repeat the training technique until your pup understands that “go see” means it is safe to explore something ahead.
Name of a Person or Thing
Consider teaching your blind dog the names of specific toys, furniture, people or other animals to establish a connection. If you are teaching an individual’s name, you can say the person’s name, and then they can talk to the dog in a happy voice. You can also say a toy’s name and then start playing with the toy. Repeated sessions will help your pup associate with that specific thing or person.
Expert Dog Trainers Provide Safety Tips
Here are some tips from dog trainers to keep your pet safe at all times:
- Stick to routines as much as possible
- Keep furniture in the same place to make navigation easy for them
- Block off any potential accident sites, such as staircases or pools with fences or baby gates
- Consult a vet if your pup runs into things more often
- Keep your dog on a leash to prevent them from getting hurt
- Write “blind dog” on your pet’s collar to alert others that your pet is visually impaired.
Consult Our Expert Dog Trainers
Alpha Paws provides professional, nature-based dog training geared to teach pet owners and their pups. Our expert dog trainers specialize in:
- Basic Obedience Training
- Off-Leash Training
- House Breaking
- Aggressive Behaviour Training
- Behaviour Issues
Whether you are looking for an in-home consultation, virtual lessons, or training at our facility, our dog trainers can help. Contact us at 905-830-9500 or toll-free at 1-877-868-7297 to enroll your pet in our training programs customized to your needs. You can also fill out our form to connect with us.