A Complete Guide to Puppy Potty Training
Many new puppy owners are not prepared to manage unexpected accidents, which is why puppy potty training is essential. It helps to learn the fundamentals of potty training, including setting up a consistent bathroom schedule for your pup and the methods and tools to speed up the process.
A potty-trained puppy can wait to use the bathroom until they are outside. However, remember that puppies can’t hold it as long as adult dogs. If you are not diligent, it may lead to accidents inside. This is where puppy training with experienced experts can help.
Signs Your Puppy Has to Go Out
When your pup is growing, you should be observant of their body language and behaviour. Take them outside if you notice any of the following:
- Pacing
- Walking in circles
- Sniffing around
- Whining
- Walking near an area of a previous accident
Be sure to pay attention to your pet’s specific cues, which are their way of telling you that they have to go. This includes pawing you, licking you, and barking at you. If they do any of these before an accident, you will know to be ready the next time.
Potty Training Steps for Success
Take Puppies Out at Regular Intervals
Puppies need to go outside many times a day. The experts who teach dog classes recommend taking them out every few hours to avoid accidents inside the house. Here’s a schedule to give you an idea of how often you should bring them outside:
- As soon as you wake up
- After they have a meal
- After they drink water
- After playtime
- After they wake up from a nap
- Every time you open the crate to let them out if you are crate training
- Before you go to bed
Potty Training Tips When Taking Your Puppy Outside
Here are a few tips to help your pup understand what they should do when outside:
- Take frequent trips outdoors, especially when your puppy is learning to hold their bladder.
- Use verbal commands such as “go potty” or “do your business.”
- Keep an eye on them without catching their attention.
- Use treats when you start potty training to reward them when they complete the job. However, don’t draw too much attention to the treat bag, or your pup will think it is training time.
- If your puppy prefers to use a specific area, slowly walking around can encourage them to go. You can also try walking in small circles.
- Be happy for your pup and reward them verbally.
- Additionally, reward them generously immediately after they are done.
- Keep your outdoor sessions short to train them to go quickly.
Tracking Your Puppy’s Potty Schedule
It is best to keep track of when your pup has accidents while they are being potty trained. This helps you to see how long they can hold their bladder. For the first couple of weeks, note when you take them out and pay attention to when there were accidents inside. Doing so will help you find patterns and understand their schedule, which will determine how often you need to take them out.
Crate Training Your Pup
Place your pup in a crate or a smaller room closed in with a baby gate if you cannot supervise them. Once they have gone outside and used the bathroom, allow them some freedom in the rest of the house. Do not punish your dog after an accident because it might frighten them or cause them to sneak off to do it somewhere else, making your job harder.
Once you know your puppy’s schedule and have gotten them used to going outside, you can teach them how to tell you when they need to go out. Some great options include a bell or button your pup can press with their paw or a strand of bells hanging from the door that they can hit. This way, your puppy doesn’t need to bark to call you, and you can easily tell when they want to go out.
Dealing with Accidents in the House
If you catch your pup having an accident, pick them up and take them outside so they can finish. If you missed your puppy having the accident, there isn’t anything you can do besides clean it properly to remove any scent. Rubbing their nose in it or punishing them won’t help prevent accidents in the future and will create a bad experience around using the bathroom.
Cleaning Up Pet Accidents
Cleaning up the area of an accident is crucial. It reduces the chances of your pup revisiting the same spot to relieve themselves. It is best to use an enzyme cleaner, as it helps get rid of the smell. Soak the area thoroughly and leave it for at least 5-10 minutes. Remove the excess moisture with a paper towel or cloth. Do this twice to be sure the spot is completely clean.
The Most Important Aspect of Potty Training – Praise
If your pup has an accident at home, do not overreact. This hostility can lead them to sneak around and have an accident somewhere less noticeable.
Dog training classes teach that praising a pup for a job well done helps them learn quickly. Be patient and teach your puppy where you want them to go. Take them to the same spot outdoors and stay with them. Praise them verbally and reward them with a treat when they go outside.
Get Reliable Puppy Potty Training Sessions with Us
If you are looking for a dog class that offers puppy potty training, Alpha Paws is the best choice. We have specialists to help you evaluate and assess your pup and ensure you have a long-lasting relationship with them.
For more information on our puppy training classes, connect with us by calling 905-830-9500 or toll-free at 1-877-868-7297. You can also join our virtual consultations to help your dog.
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